Adam Lambert Slams Idea Of Theo James Playing George Michael In Biopic

Reports suggest that Theo James may take on the role of George Michael in an upcoming biopic based on the artist’s life. It could be an interesting journey for fans to see him portray the beloved music icon.

But the American singer-songwriter Adam Lambert is not impressed.

The Queen singer took to Twitter after finding out the news. Sharing his disapproval, he wrote: “Yay another straight man playing a gay icon.”

This remark was likely referring to other biopics about gay music icons that were played by straight actors, for example, Taron Egerton in Rocketman, and Rami Malek in Bohemian Rhapsody.

But not everyone agreed with Lambert, one Twitter user took to the comment section of his post, writing: “Taron Egerton killed it as Elton. It’s called acting. Stop making something out of nothing.”

While another commented: “It’s called acting for a reason. Actors act in given roles. Rock Hudson and Tab Hunter, famously gay actors, performed beautifully as heteros in film.”

“Really? You played a straight role in Wicked. Stop being a hypocrite and grow up,” a third added.

However, some were on Lambert’s side, and expressed their gratitude that he spoke out on the topic, with one tweeting: “Thank you for speaking for most of us. It had to be said.”

A second added: “ALL. OF. THIS.”

While another wrote: “Seeing a lot of negativity toward Adam Lambert in the responses to this post. Queer actors are constantly rejected for their queerness while their cishet counterparts are praised for being “brave” for accepting queer roles. Queer people should get to tell their own stories.”

His comment comes after James expressed his interest in playing George Michael if the chance ever presented itself, telling Watch What Happens Live: “Oh yeah, I would love that, he’s an icon.”

He added: “He’s a lot of Greek, and I’m a lot of Greek. Put that Greek together, and you get falafel.”

This was followed by an article by the Daily Mail, revealing that insiders have reported the movie’s script is near completion, and they are currently looking for the perfect fit to play George. They announced that it will trace the journey of George Michael from fame as part of Wham! up until his later successful days as a solo artist.

A source told the paper: “The script is in the final stages and producers are looking for their leading man.

“Theo’s name is the one on everyone’s lips. He would be perfect for the part. This is George’s story, warts and all.”

But it doesn’t look like Lambert has to worry, as George Michael’s estate shut down the rumours in a statement.

They wrote: “To all of George’s Lovelies, fans and lovers of his music, a story has been published stating that George Michael’s family has endorsed a so-called ‘biopic’ about his life,” George Michael Entertainment said.

“On behalf of George’s family and GME we want to make it clear that there is no truth whatsoever in this story, we know nothing about this project and will not be endorsing it in any way.”

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