Internet Slams ‘Messed Up’ Clause In Rebel Wilson’s Pitch Perfect Contract

Rebel Wilson has opened up about a strange clause in her Pitch Perfect contract that prevented her from losing weight. 

The forty-three-year-old Australian actress is best known for her funny side roles in films.

Working on and off-stage as a comedian, her performances quickly won over audiences due to their self-deprecating nature.

You know when characters in movies are having a particularly sentimental moment in a scene and then another comes in with a very bad, but hilarious line that completely ruins the moment? Well, that’s Wilson’s role in almost everything she does.

Her first major role was in Bridesmaids. She played Kristen Wiig’s roommate, Brynn, and the reviews for the movie were exceptional, with some even branding it a classic chick flick that you “shouldn’t pass on.”

After that, Wilson had gotten her foot well and truly into Hollywood’s door. The Aussie actress became a talking point and with her acting career only just taking off, the world became her oyster.

Her most famous role had to be in the Pitch Perfect films. The character brought audiences so much happiness and talk around Wilson’s skills as an actor grew.

You all remember “Fat Amy,” right? The boisterous character stole the heart of audiences with her hilarious antics and her powerful singing.

Her positive outlook and outspoken ways made people warm to her quickly.

She also didn’t really care about what she looked like, hence the name “Fat Amy.”

​​Speaking in an interview, Wilson once said: “Being unique and different was a really good thing. I walked into my agent’s office for the first time, they looked at me and said, ‘Wow, we have nobody on our books like you.’”

“And they signed me on my second day here… I wouldn’t ever want to compete with what I call ‘the glamours’ – the really gorgeous people. I’m about the brain, the heart, and what’s on the inside. I feel really lucky to be the body type I am.”

The actress also explained that she has a “hormone imbalance in her body” which means she is prone to eat, no matter her mood. 

But what you might not be aware of is there was a bizarre clause in her contract for Pitch Perfect that didn’t allow her to lose weight. 

“I couldn’t lose a massive amount of weight because I was in the contracts for that movie,” the actress shared in her appearance on the “Call Her Daddy” podcast. “You can’t lose, I think it’s not more than 10 pounds, or gain more than 10 pounds.”

She added, “Yeah, you have to kind of stay at the weight. It’s in your contract.”

She went on to explain: “I was stereotyped in playing that fat funny friend, which is so hard because I love those roles. I love doing the roles. I love those characters,” she said. “But then I did want to do more things but I felt like being the bigger girl you’re just more pigeonholed.”

After hearing the news, many fans took to social media to slam the “messed up” rule, with one writing: “I get doing that for a character and its appearance but it should be a consensual thing for the actor. This is just sick and rude to control someone’s body like that.”

While another said: “That’s so messed up omg.”

“It is interesting to know just how specific these contracts would be. A tiny part of it makes sense if they cast someone based on specific qualities, but it’s still wild,” a third said.

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