Black Mirror Viewers Are Cancelling Their Netflix Subscriptions

Black Mirror is well known to be one of the most loved shows of the moment, but one episode from the recent series went a little too far for some people. So much so that it has led to viewers going so far as to cancel their Netflix subscriptions!

Debuting in 2011, Black Mirror was the brainchild of British screenwriter Charlie Brooker, who crafted a dystopian world reflecting our darkest fears about technology. Its cutting-edge storytelling, coupled with its thought-provoking exploration of the human condition in a digital age, struck a chord with viewers craving innovative narratives.

What truly set Black Mirror apart was its ability to predict, with eerie precision, the technological advances that would shape our society. Its standalone episodes challenged our perception of reality, leaving us questioning the impact of our digital dependency.

As each season pushed boundaries, Black Mirror‘s reputation grew exponentially. With its gripping performances and astonishing production quality, the show sparked intense discussions on the ethical implications of our tech-dominated future. By 2016, the show moved from its UK home at Channel 4 and became a production of the streaming behemoth Netflix.

But it was the ‘Bandersnatch’ interactive episode in 2018 that catapulted Black Mirror into the stratosphere. Blurring the lines between viewer and participant, it revolutionised the way we experienced television, fostering a sense of personal investment in the narrative.

Flash forward 5 years and the show is back with its sixth series, and it’s proving to be as spooky as ever.

However, there is one episode in particular that viewers are taking issue with. The season’s first episode, titled ‘Joan Is Awful’, and it sees the show take a closer look at Netflix, in the form of the eerily similar ficitonal Streamberry streaming site.

The episode follows Annie Murphy as real-life Joan who realises that her current binge watch is telling her life story, with Salma Hayek playing the Streamberry series Joan. As the story develops, Joan realises no matter what she does, Hayek’s character does the same thing. Upon realising neither of them are in control of their image, they both plot to take down the quamputer that is in control of the show’s creation.

Yet, when Joan approaches a lawyer to try and get this sorted for good, they tell her that unfortunately nothing can be done, as she actually agreed to the show when accepting Streamberry’s terms and conditions.

The show’s play on the fact that barely anyone ever actually reads the terms and conditions has led to a lot of commentary among the show’s viewers, who have taken to social media to share their thoughts.

“So Season 6, Episode 1 of Black Mirror has convinced me to cancel Netflix. Lol,” one person wrote.

Another said: “It feels like Black Mirror season 6 wants us all to cancel Netflix just checking the terms of service brb.”

While a third put: “The first episode of Black Mirror got me ready to cancel my Netflix asap.”

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