Pregnant Hollyoaks Actress Frankie Hough Has Died In A Car Accident

Pregnant Hollyoaks actress Frankie Hough has tragically died in a fatal car accident.

Her co-star Paul Danan shared the heartbreaking news in a post on Instagram.

“I just heard the most shocking upsetting news I’ve heard in such a long time,” he began.

“Another good good friend who was such a special person has sadly passed away while carrying her unborn baby and her 2 little boys and nephew who were in the car too. They had a terrible car accident.

“She was driving on the M66 when a car must have crashed in to them, extremely dangerously! the driver has been charged. This wonderful actress played the character “Jess” alongside me for nearly 4 years in @hollyoaksofficial her real name is Frankie Hough and i adored her. I feel so lost right now.

He added: “Here is a link to donate some money for these poor little boys she has left behind who are currently fighting for their lives and will be slowly realising that their mummy isnt alive anymore. Just incomprehensible…”

The crash occurred on the M66 on May 13th at around 3pm. The Manchester Evening News reports that Hough had pulled into the hard shoulder of the motorway to answer a call when she was hit by a BMW.

The coroners’ officer Bunn told the court: “Frankie was traveling on the M66 heading towards Manchester. Frankie pulled over to the hard shoulder. It’s believed at this time she was answering a phone call.

“A vehicle being driven at excessive speed lost control causing the vehicle to collide with the rear of Frankie’s car, causing it to rotate and come to rest in the main carriageway.”

Fans have been responding to the news of the young mum’s death with heartbreak.

One person wrote: “I’m so sorry to hear this and my thoughts immediately go out to her family especially her young boys..sending my deepest and heartfelt condolences to you, her family and everyone who knew her.”

Another commented: “Oh my goodness, I remember her! So sad for everyone. Those poor little boys. Hope they pull through.”

You can visit the link for Danan’s Go Fund Me for Hough’s family here.

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