Snoop Dogg Claims to have Found a ‘Natural High’ Days after Quitting Weed

In a surprising turn of events, Snoop Dogg recently made headlines by announcing his decision to quit smoking, a habit synonymous with his public persona. The 52-year-old rapper, who has been known for his unabashed love for cannabis, took to Instagram on November 17 to share this significant lifestyle change.

The Instagram post, featuring a black and white image of Snoop Dogg with his hands covering his face, included a statement that read, “I’ve decided to give up smoke. Please respect my privacy at this time.” This unexpected declaration left fans speculating about the reasons behind his decision, considering Snoop’s well-documented daily consumption of nine joints.

Amidst the discussions and potential withdrawal symptoms that Snoop might be experiencing, he later shared another post on November 18 with the caption “Natural high.” This cryptic message left fans wondering about the nature of this newfound euphoria. Could it be that Snoop Dogg has found a substitute for his beloved cannabis, opting for a life infused with a different form of elation?

Support and reactions flooded Snoop’s Instagram, with fans acknowledging the challenges of giving up a long-standing habit. One user empathised, saying, “First week or two is the hardest. I smoked every day for a decade. I promise it gets better.” Another user expressed a change in perspective, stating, “Can we just all admit that weed is a bad thing? It ruins your mental and physical health.”

As Snoop Dogg embarks on this unexpected journey, fans are rallying behind him, offering words of encouragement and sharing their own experiences of overcoming similar challenges. The rapper’s decision to quit smoking appears to have sparked a broader conversation about the perceived benefits and drawbacks of cannabis consumption.

In a testament to his commitment, Snoop Dogg is not only making personal lifestyle changes but is also inspiring others to consider alternative paths. The rapper recently released a cookbook, “Goon with the Spoon,” co-authored with Earl ‘E-40’ Stevens. Interestingly, this culinary creation takes a departure from his earlier cookbook, “From Crook to Cook,” by omitting weed as a central theme.

The cookbook draws inspiration from the rappers’ musical catalogs, their favorite shared meals, and E-40’s Filipino food business, Lumpia. In essence, Snoop Dogg is embracing a new chapter, both in his personal life and his creative endeavors, inviting others to contemplate their own relationships with certain habits.

As fans navigate the unexpected shift in Snoop Dogg’s lifestyle, the rapper continues to be a source of inspiration and conversation, challenging perceptions and sparking dialogue about wellness and self-discovery.

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