29-Year-Old Physically Healthy Woman Who Died Of Euthanasia Had One Final Wish

The partner of a 29-year-old woman who chose euthanasia has shared her final wish.

Zoraya ter Beek passed away at 1:25 pm local time on May 22, less than a month after her birthday, according to a blog post shared by a friend. The Dutch woman had been candid about her decision to seek assisted dying, having been granted the right to euthanasia due to her mental health condition.

In the Netherlands, individuals can be granted this right if they experience ‘unbearable suffering with no prospect of improvement’ and can demonstrate full mental capacity and understanding of their decision.

She had previously detailed to The Guardian her struggles with anxiety, trauma, chronic depression, and unspecified personality disorder.

Despite undergoing various therapies, medications, and over 30 sessions of electroconvulsive therapy, her ‘main issues’ remained unresolved. As a last resort, she pursued assisted dying, stating, “People think that when you’re mentally ill, you can’t think straight, which is insulting.”

She was with her partner at the time of her passing, but no further details about the assisted death have been disclosed.

A tribute, believed to be from him, expressed, “Now it’s quiet…no more texts…no tweets…no vague shizzle…no cat pictures…no motivational kick in the ass…And me? I am sad but happy at the same time. Sad to miss her, but there is so much understanding that the sadness doesn’t bother me. Happy because her greatest wish could come true in the way she hoped and wished. That she could go to sleep forever.”

The announcement of her death reiterated her ‘final wish’ to depart peacefully, stating, “Zoraya passed away today at 1.25 pm. Or as she saw it herself: she went to sleep. Her last wish/request is to leave her loved ones alone and, if possible, to swallow disrespectful reactions. She understood that euthanasia for psychological suffering is still a ‘thing’ for some people.”

ter Beek previously outlined the process for requesting assisted dying, highlighting the stringent regulations and extensive assessment involved. She emphasized the safety and thoroughness of the process, dispelling misconceptions and fears surrounding it.

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