Model Declares ‘Women Aren’t Safe In 2024’ After What Man Said To Her During Gym Warm Up

An OF model has gone viral after posting a video of a man interrupting her gym session, claiming it is proof “women aren’t safe in 2024.”

Adult content creator Madi Ruvee, known as @yourfavouritedaughter2 on TikTok, sparked controversy after sharing a now-deleted clip of her working out in the gym.

Ruvee wrote in the text overlay: “This is why 2024 is unsafe for women,” showing herself in a deep squat, holding a weight, and rocking back and forth. A few seconds into the video, an unnamed male gymgoer approaches her, asking, “Yo, what are you doing?”

The TikToker responded that she was simply doing “leg day warm-ups.” However, the man disagreed, replying, “No don’t give me that bull****, I know you know what you’re doing.”

He further criticised her, saying she exemplified what is “wrong with girls” and added that she should keep this kind of behaviour “online,” calling it “ridiculous.”

Visibly shocked by the confrontation, Ruvee asked, “Are you pointing at me?” The man then proceeded to kick her phone as he walked away, damaging it in the process.

Ruvee posted the exchange on her Instagram page, captioning it, “Was he being for real IS HE VALID[?]” The comment section on various social media platforms was divided.

Some people supported the man’s actions, claiming she wasn’t stretching correctly. One user on X (formerly Twitter) wrote: “No, he is [100%] correct. She knows exactly what she is doing,” while another added: “I’m sorry but her facial expressions say it all. Anyone who exercises knows this isn’t any sort of ‘leg day warmup’ or pulse squats.”

“She also has an OF and I’m pretty sure this is a ploy to gain more traction. If that’s what you want to do, fine, but not in public spaces,” another commenter added.

A third argued that Ruvee “was doing a ‘service’ for her page in another man’s property, in front of his clients,” stating that the man “had every right to kick her out.”

However, others contended that Ruvee was just doing pulse squats and that the man was wrong to reproach her. “All I see is some girl doing whatever the hell she wants and some fragile guy being unnecessarily bothered by it because he doesn’t know how to turn his head or look the other way. Focus on you. Breaking people’s phones in gyms is worse than whatever she was doing,” one user reacted.

Another user chimed in: “She’s minding her business in a corner, fully clothed, and was approached for minding her business and doing some form of pulse WARM UP which isn’t abnormal.” They added, “I think assuming her smiling is ‘she knows what she’s doing’ is a huge way to blame her as well because different people react certain ways. She’s being approached and blamed for… stretching???”

Another commenter suggested she should “report him to the manager of the gym for harassment,” stating, “even if he is the owner, it’s still unacceptable for him to approach you like that.”

Ruvee responded to a comment that said the man was “100% valid,” pointing out that regardless of her OnlyFans, she should be able to stretch at the gym without being reprimanded.

“So just because I do [OF] I’m not allowed to stretch at the gym? Because before I started [OF] I was doing that same stretch before every leg day,” she said.

“And all the people saying that I deserve to have my phone kicked, I deserve to be harassed in public because I was minding my business in the smallest corner of the gym… is there a rule that says no phones?” she continued. “No there’s not. Was it on a tripod? Was I being obnoxious? No, I wasn’t. Was I being loud? No. So it’s really sad to me to see all these comments saying that I deserve something because I went to the gym and was stretching,” she said, speculating that the stranger already knew who she was and that “made him angry.”

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