Celebrity Makeup Artist Dies From Brain Tumor After Ignoring Common Symptom

Anca Molnar, a renowned makeup artist and TikTok influencer, has passed away at the age of 35 after battling a brain tumor. Her passing was deeply mourned in her home country of Romania, where mourners lined the streets, applauded as her coffin passed by, and threw white petals on a red carpet. Many held pink and purple umbrellas in her honor.

Molnar had gained fame for her makeup artistry with local celebrities and amassed a loyal social media following. Despite her success, she ignored a critical warning sign of her illness—excruciating headaches that she dismissed until the pain became unbearable. Her friend, Alina Radi, noted that Molnar had initially not thought much of the headaches but eventually sought medical help when they interfered with her daily tasks.

By the time Molnar consulted a doctor, the cancer had progressed significantly. Despite undergoing brain surgery in Turkey and subsequent rounds of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, her cancer briefly went into remission before a second tumor was discovered.

Molnar documented her cancer journey on social media, sharing images of herself in hospital gowns and with bandaged heads, while expressing gratitude for the support of her husband, Claudiu. In one of her poignant final posts, Molnar reflected on her life: “I came, lived beautifully and left for another world. I fought as best I knew how and with all my strength… Until the last drop of HOPE.”

On the day of her death, Molnar posted a serene image from a plane above the clouds, accompanied by a message of gratitude and a call to live life to the fullest: “Let my smile remain a testimony that I lived it to the fullest. I leave you one last exhortation: live beautifully and live to the fullest!”

Her funeral was held on Thursday, where her husband Claudiu celebrated her life, stating, “We say goodbye, our love! You gave us the best years of our lives. You made us strong men who will never forget you.”

Molnar’s passing is a poignant reminder of the importance of paying attention to potential health warning signs and seeking medical advice when needed.

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