Jennifer Lopez’s Friends Reveal The Celeb She Will Rebound With After Ben Affleck Split In Wild Claim

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are reportedly heading towards a divorce, with sources suggesting an announcement is imminent. According to an insider, Lopez is known for strategically timing her announcements, often favoring Fridays and pairing them with other news, such as a new project or commercial tie-in.

Amidst this turmoil, friends speculate that Lopez might reconnect with former fiancé Alex Rodriguez, despite his alleged infidelity that ended their engagement in 2021. One friend believes Rodriguez was always her best match and suggests that cheating may no longer be a dealbreaker for Lopez. The friend added that Lopez might wait to announce the split until she has another relationship lined up.

Lopez and Affleck’s rekindled romance, which led to a quick Vegas marriage in 2022, appears to have unraveled. Friends have noted Affleck’s struggles, including concerns that he may be drinking again and experiencing acute sadness. Insiders also claim Lopez’s mother and her manager, Benny Medina, have turned against Affleck, which has further strained their relationship.

Affleck, who has moved into a $100,000-a-month rental in Brentwood, and Lopez, who canceled her summer tour to focus on their marriage, were recently seen spending hours at their $60 million mansion, potentially discussing their future. Despite efforts to salvage their marriage, sources indicate that Affleck has emotionally checked out, while Lopez still hopes therapy might help.

Their marriage’s breakdown is further highlighted by reports that their children have been affected, and the couple is seeking a buyer for their lavish mansion. As the situation unfolds, many anticipate that Lopez will handle the announcement with her characteristic strategic flair, possibly using it as an opportunity to pivot to new endeavors.

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