Cruise Ship Passengers Are Just Realizing What Upside Down Pineapple Signs On Doors Mean

Vacationers on a cruise ship have sparked warnings after spotting ‘cute little pineapples’ adorning cabin doors, not realizing their significance. While pineapples are often seen as decorative tributes to tropical regions like West Africa and Latin America or pop culture references like SpongeBob SquarePants, they hold a different meaning on adult cruises.

TikToker Dominique (@blogionistatravels) documented her first cruise experience on social media, sharing a video showing various cabin doors with pineapple stickers. The 15-second clip, posted in September 2022 and amassing 21 million views, features a corridor lined with doors adorned with these pineapple decorations. In the overlay text, she noted, “When you’re on your first cruise and you see that everyone has these little cute pineapples on their door.”

The video quickly sparked comments from viewers who explained the true meaning behind the pineapples. One user remarked, “The welcome one with the butterfly makes me think it’s a sweet old lady that thinks people just decorate with pineapples on cruises & want to decorate.” Another added, “It could just be the cruise put them there. It’s the international hospitality symbol.” However, others hinted at the real symbolism, advising Dominique to “keep walking” and suggesting that these pineapples are not just innocent decorations.

According to Cruisehive, pineapples, particularly when displayed upside down, are commonly used symbols to indicate an interest in swinging, swinger parties, and partner swapping. One viewer humorously shared their own experience, “I remember the time I decorated our tent site in pineapples and learned at 2 am what message I was sending. Mortified! I stick to watermelons now!!”

Besides pineapples, swingers use other subtle signals to identify each other, such as wearing black rings or switching their wedding bands to the right hand. For those who prefer not to be discreet, there are dedicated adult-only swingers cruises available.

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