Justin Timberlake ‘Not Under The Influence’ As Resurfaced Concert Video Goes Viral

Justin Timberlake was not intoxicated or otherwise under the influence during a concert last month, despite a viral video suggesting otherwise, TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge told TMZ that the resurfaced clip, which shows Timberlake appearing “under the influence” or out of sorts during a May performance in Las Vegas, is being over-analyzed by people looking to unfairly criticize him. The video gained attention after Timberlake’s recent DWI arrest, but those close to the situation maintain that he was completely sober during the performance, as he has been for all his shows.

Contrary to online speculation that Timberlake’s wide-eyed gaze in the video indicated intoxication, sources insist he was 100% sober and focused. They emphasize that the demands of his performances necessitate a clear-headed state.

Timberlake’s recent arrest in Sag Harbor, NY, where he was pulled over for allegedly blowing past a stop sign and swerving on the road, has put him under increased scrutiny. Addressing the incident at his Chicago show, Timberlake acknowledged the challenging week but assured fans that nothing could diminish the moment they were sharing. His lawyer plans to “vigorously” defend him against the charges, with a court date set for July 26.

Despite the viral speculation, those close to Timberlake assert that the video is not evidence of any wrongdoing and should not be seen as a smoking gun.

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