Texas Mom Claims She Was Kicked Off Flight For Accidentally Misgendering Attendant

Jenna Longoria, a women’s health and hormone expert from outside of Austin, alleges she was removed from a flight after accidentally misgendering a flight attendant. Longoria, traveling with her 16-month-old son and mother, was boarding her flight at San Francisco International Airport around 9 a.m. when the incident occurred.

According to Longoria, the confusion began when she addressed a United crew member, who identifies as a woman, as “sir” while receiving her boarding passes. “She got upset. I walked to the plane to go down the aisle. Then she held my mother back and wouldn’t let her come with me [past the gate],” Longoria told The Post.

Once on board, Longoria sought assistance from another flight attendant, referring to the first attendant as “he,” which led to a correction and further confusion. “My son is in my hand crying, I’m trying to get on the plane,” Longoria recounted. “As a mother, my prerogative is to get my son safely on the plane and not focus on the pronouns someone uses.”

Ultimately, Longoria, her son, and her mother were not allowed to board the flight, which departed with their luggage and medications. United Airlines stated that the family was barred from boarding due to “too many carry-on items,” a claim Longoria vehemently denies.

Longoria documented the incident on Instagram, including a video of her conversation with a United official named Gabriella, who explained that the captain had decided to remove them based on witness statements about the verbal altercation. Gabriella mentioned that “transgender comments” and derogatory remarks were made, which Longoria disputes.

“I don’t understand what I said that would keep me from flying,” Longoria said. “It was so traumatic.”

After being stranded at the airport, Longoria and her mother purchased tickets for an American Airlines flight to Austin, departing three hours later. Longoria has received no apology or compensation from United Airlines and expressed shock at the quiet and calm manner in which the situation was handled.

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