A towering, ancient tree in Augé, western France, was instantly demolished by a lightning bolt during an extreme weather event on Saturday. The remarkable moment was captured on video by Benjamin Estrade and shared by Nahel Belgherze, an extreme weather enthusiast. Belgherze posted the footage on social media, showcasing the raw power of the electrical storm. The video highlights the immense force of nature, with the lightning striking the tree and obliterating it in seconds.

??Incredible footage of a lightning bolt hitting and decimating a large tree in Augé, western France earlier today. Credit: Benjamin Estrade pic.twitter.com/XazDFbR78l

— Nahel Belgherze (@WxNB_)

June 29, 2024


The footage has since gained significant attention online, mesmerizing viewers with its dramatic display of nature’s might. Many viewers expressed awe and fascination at the power of the lightning bolt, while others shared concerns about the increasing frequency and intensity of such extreme weather events. This incident has sparked discussions about climate change and the need for increased awareness and preparedness for natural disasters.

Additionally, local authorities in Augé have commented on the incident, emphasizing the rarity of such occurrences and the importance of maintaining safety during storms. They advised residents to seek shelter and avoid tall structures during lightning storms. The obliteration of the ancient tree, which had stood for generations, also prompted reflections on the vulnerability of even the oldest and most resilient natural landmarks to the forces of nature. This event serves as a poignant reminder of the awe-inspiring yet destructive power of our environment.


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