Amber Heard has shocked her fans by coming out.

The star, known for her roles in Aquaman and The Rum Diary as well as her very public divorce and legal case with Johnny Depp – is also known for her openness when it comes to her private life.

During an interview with AfterEllen, she came out publicly. The 38-year-old later commented on the impact it had on her career.

When celebrating 25 years of The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), Heard said: ‘It’s hard. I think GLAAD is one of the many reasons that I, as a 24-year-old, can come out.’

‘…I can’t be a part of the problem. I hate the idea of a label just as much as anyone else but I’m with who I’m with, I love who I love and I’m if not a better actress than I was yesterday and my personal life should have no effect on that.’

At the time, she was joined with her partner Tasya van Ree, of whom she said: ‘She’s so beautiful. I mean, you’d have to be crazy not to want to go out with her!’

Speaking to Glamour, later in life, she said: “I just answered honestly. I could tell by the look on this person’s face it was a big deal.

“My poor publicist. Then I realized the gravity of what I had done and why so many people – 

 “I saw myself being in this unique position and having a unique responsibility. So, I bit the bullet.”

“As a leading lady, there’s a certain amount of wish fulfillment. I was asked ‘How is anyone going to invest in you romantically if they think you’re unavailable?’”

Her response was: “Watch me do it.”

 “I stand here now amongst many of my romantic leading lady peers who are out and fluid. I’m one of many now, and I’m working.”

“If we’re meant to reflect the world around us, the whole point of telling stories and reaching audiences is to challenge the status quo, to push the envelope. Not just to meet the status quo. We’re in a unique position to do this. We need to be actively pushing.”

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