Woman used to love her name until Amazon ‘ruined it’ and people made fun of her all the time

A woman who once cherished her name is now disillusioned with it, all thanks to Amazon’s ubiquitous virtual assistant, Alexa.

For many, naming their child after famous cities or celebrities can invite comparisons, but for one woman named Alexa Nizam, the introduction of Amazon’s device in 2015 brought unexpected challenges.

In a personal account shared with Business Insider, Alexa expressed her initial fondness for her name, recalling her childhood attachment to it. However, the rise of Amazon’s Alexa marked a turning point, disrupting her relationship with her own identity.

Initially, the references to Amazon’s device were subtle, with people often inquiring if she enjoyed sharing her name with the technology. Despite these initial encounters, Alexa remained unperturbed, believing the impact would be minimal.

However, as time passed, the jokes and comments became incessant, leading Alexa to feel exasperated and disheartened by her own name. Simple interactions, such as those with customers during her job at a department store, became sources of discomfort as she faced repeated jests and remarks about her name’s association with the virtual assistant.

The advent of the pandemic further exacerbated her struggles, with virtual meetings frequently disrupted by the activation of Amazon devices whenever her name was mentioned.

Despite the challenges, Alexa is gradually reclaiming her pride in her name. She acknowledges the rollercoaster journey she has undergone, expressing a renewed sense of self-assurance.

Nevertheless, she humorously requests one thing of others: to refrain from asking her about the weather. This simple plea reflects the complex relationship she has forged with her name in the wake of Amazon’s disruptive technology.

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