Woman Given Nine Months To Left To Live Asks Husband If She Can Sleep With Ex ‘One Last Time’

The situation described in the story is both complex and emotionally charged, presenting the husband with a deeply difficult dilemma. His wife, who is suffering from a terminal illness and has limited time left to live, expressed a dying wish to sleep with a former lover, whom she considers to have been her most physically compatible and satisfying partner.

The husband’s emotional reaction is understandable. He feels hurt and betrayed by his wife’s request, which he sees as disrespectful and damaging to their marriage. He struggles with the decision of whether to grant his wife’s wish, which he perceives as morally wrong, or deny it, potentially impacting his wife’s final days.

He wrote: “So basically she thinks that her most physically compatible satisfying lover was him. She gave a whole monologue about how sex sometimes is just physical and how emotionally fulfilling sex is with me but it was bullsh*t to get to that point.

“So now I’m left with this, deny my dying wife a wish for my own ego, or let her go f**k another man who she feels was better. Honestly, I’m so p***ed of and betrayed that she asked this of me. I feel like I’m put in a position where I have to say yes because she’s dying.”

“I know what I want to say, but I don’t know if that’s right. I’m so hurt that sex with an ex was apparently so good that she needs to do it once before she dies. I just hate everything about this. “I’m really not sure what to do,” he concluded.

Responses to the story on Reddit and Twitter largely supported the husband’s perspective. Many believe that the wife’s request is unreasonable and disrespectful, particularly given her limited remaining time and the potential harm to their relationship. Some suggested that her illness might be affecting her judgment and reasoning abilities, and that she might not be fully herself in making such a request.

Others pointed out that her request risks damaging the remaining companionship and care she receives from her husband, and may not even be possible if her former lover is not available or interested in the request.

In any case, the husband faces a tough decision. He may want to discuss the matter further with his wife to understand her motives and emotions, as well as consult with her medical team to determine if her illness is affecting her judgment. It is crucial for the husband to make a decision that he can live with, both now and in the future, while respecting his wife’s dignity and the bond they have shared throughout their marriage.

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