Kate Middleton’s Friend Drops What’s Really Going On Behind The Scenes At Kensington Palace

The Princess of Wales has been recognised as the ‘driving force’ behind a significant report released this week, urging businesses to adopt more family-friendly working practices.

Despite this involvement, a spokesman has clarified that Catherine’s participation should not be interpreted as her return to work.

Fans of the princess may be understandably puzzled by these mixed signals and curious about what is happening behind the scenes at Kensington Palace.

It is evident that Catherine’s engagement with the Royal Foundation’s Business Taskforce for Early Childhood, and this latest report, underscores her commitment to the cause – described as ‘a huge priority for the princess,’ according to her spokesman.

In a courageous and moving video message recorded for the nation in March, the princess requested ‘some time, space and privacy while I complete my treatment.’

Currently 42, Catherine is undergoing ‘preventative chemotherapy’ for cancer following major abdominal surgery. She has not made any public appearances this year, and friends suggest she might not return until the autumn, provided she has fully recovered.

In her March video message, Catherine pleaded for ‘some time, space and privacy while I complete my treatment,’ adding, ‘My work has always brought me a deep sense of joy and I look forward to being back when I am able, but for now I must focus on making a full recovery.’

This focus on recovery is paramount.

Other aspects of her work with Prince William have been postponed, including the planned hiring of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for their household. As reported in Eden Confidential last September, the couple intended to appoint a CEO responsible for approximately 60 staff, who would report directly to them and not to the private secretaries who traditionally hold power at the royal palaces.

A recruitment firm, Odgers Berndtson, was engaged to find the ideal candidate, and an advertisement highlighting the unique nature of the role was posted online. However, the search has now been paused. A palace spokesman explained, ‘With everything going on, the Royal Household’s focus is on the Princess’s recovery, so no appointment has been made.’

Although the prince and princess often have separate engagements and interests, they function as a cohesive team. Their charity, the Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales, and their joint offices reflect their close collaboration. The delay in such a crucial appointment emphasises that major decisions are on hold until Catherine recovers.

In March, Kensington Palace released the first photo of the Princess of Wales since her surgery, showing her at the London clinic where she received treatment earlier this year.

‘No one wants to put any pressure on Catherine,’ a source said. ‘The only thing that matters at the moment is her getting better. She has been through an ordeal this year. What this means in practice is that big decisions, such as the appointment of new staff, can wait. It’s a reflection of Her Royal Highness’s importance to the future of the Monarchy that she has been given as much time as she needs.’

King Charles chose to remain visible to the public during his own cancer treatment, but this is not the case for his daughter-in-law, which may disappoint her admirers.

‘As Sovereign, His Majesty is in a very different position from the Princess of Wales,’ the source said. ‘There is no need for her to be seen while she’s recovering.’

This stance is not expected to change, despite an increase in online trolling of Catherine in recent weeks.

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