Server Blown Away After Post Malone Leaves ‘Biggest Tip Ever’

Meeting your heroes can sometimes lead to disappointment, but if you’re in the food service industry, encountering Post Malone might just restore your faith in celebrity kindness.

With a string of hit songs, albums, and accolades at just 28, it wouldn’t be surprising if Post Malone, born Austin Richard Post, carried an air of entitlement. Yet, according to a Reddit user, that’s far from the truth.

In November, a Reddit user shared their encounter with Malone, who purportedly visited their establishment. While the details of Malone’s purchase remain undisclosed, one thing was clear: it wasn’t an inexpensive outing, tallying up to nearly $3,500 after tax and service charges.

For many, such an expenditure might suffice, but Malone decided to elevate the experience by leaving an astounding tip for the server. Accompanying a snapshot of the check, the server captioned the post: “Post Malone is a wonderful person and a great tipper.”

In addition to his substantial bill, Malone added a generous $3,000 tip—certainly exceeding the customary 10-20 percent.

Describing Malone as “such a genuine and cool dude,” the server reflected on their nearly two decades in the service industry, deeming this tip as “by far the best” they’d ever received.

Prompting further discussion, the server posed a question: “Which celebrities have you served that were really generous? Any surprisingly cheap celebrities?”

Reddit users eagerly chimed in, sharing their own encounters with celebrities, including additional instances of Malone’s generosity. One user recounted working at Malone’s birthday party, where each server received a $1000 tip, while another praised Martin Sheen for picking up tabs at the bar and spending quality time with patrons.

Despite occasional encounters with less-than-pleasant customers, the prospect of a hefty tip undoubtedly helps sweeten the experience for service workers.

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