63-year-old Grandmother And 26-Year-Old Husband Announce They’re Expecting Their First Baby Together

A couple who have faced significant online criticism for their age gap have announced the joyous news that they are expecting their first child together.

Cheryl McGregor, 63, has 18 grandchildren, but it is her relationship with her husband, Quran McCain, 26, that has catapulted them into the social media spotlight.

The pair initially met when Quran was just 15 years old, while they both worked at a Dairy Queen. Although there were no romantic feelings or interactions at that time, they reconnected by chance at a gas station years later.

At 23, Quran confessed his feelings to Cheryl after they spent several weeks together, and they began their relationship in April 2021. They tied the knot in September and created joint social media accounts to share their life together.

However, Cheryl’s children were not supportive of the union. Cheryl shared, “I have seven kids, but I only see one of them as the others do not support our relationship. It hurts me, it hurts me a lot. They were my whole life, and all of a sudden, I wanted to be married to someone I had fallen in love with, and they didn’t support that. I have 18 grandchildren, and I only see three of them.”

Despite this, the couple has announced they have found a surrogate and are excitedly expecting a baby of their own. Cheryl posted a TikTok video on her Instagram, showing her holding sonogram images.

The couple expressed their happiness about the upcoming addition to their family. Cheryl said, “It was an amazing feeling to find out we were going to have a baby. We get to start our own family. I am happier now than I have ever been before. It will make our family so much happier as we will love the baby unconditionally.”

Quran added, “I cried tears of joy when I found out. This will be my very first child. I have never felt love like this apart from the time I got married to Cheryl. Baby girl or baby boy, it doesn’t matter. I am having a baby, and we are starting our life together. Even though Cheryl won’t be the biological mother, blood doesn’t make you family, and she will be the best mom.”

While many people have congratulated the couple, others have criticised their relationship due to the 37-year age gap. Only time will tell if the birth of Cheryl and Quran’s child will help mend the rift with Cheryl’s family.

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